Through IGA Community Chest we’ve raised well over $80m to help local communities.

One of the fantastic initiatives championed by IGA is the community chest program.

Every day across the country IGA Community Chest raises funds to support local communities, charities and other worthwhile causes. It could be in response to a major event like floods or bush fires or something as simple as new soccer balls for the local under 8’s.

The money is raised in a number of ways but predominately through the purchase of products with an IGA Community Chest logo on the label. If you are a member of a group or aware of a group that you believe could do with our support, please see one of the Store’s team members.

IGA Community Chest

“We call it community chest because is it where our heart is. So much so that over the past 9 years IGA has raised over $80,000,000 through IGA Community Chest and various other programs. We’ve donated this money to over 7,000 community groups, not for profit organisations and other worthy causes”

How are IGA Community Chest beneficiaries chosen?

We have a tiered system for choosing beneficiaries.
1) For local activities the beneficiaries are chosen by the local stores
2) Regional activities are chosen by the region or group of stores
3) State beneficiaries are chosen in consultation with the State Executive and Board.

Here are a couple of tips on becoming an IGA Community Chest beneficiary?

It’s best to approach your local IGA store directly. Prepare a pitch and it may include;
An overview of your organisation and/or the individual that you’d like supported. What support are you looking for – monies, donations of goods, providing team jumpers, holding regular fundraising at the store, group registrations at the store, etc. How the donation will be used and your timing. Is there anything you can offer in return to IGA? Don’t forget to include your contact details.


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